Siapo Art in Room 9 & 10


Rooms 9 and 10 enjoyed creating Siapo Art. It took a few weeks to complete. First, we searched for patterns from our culture and practised drawing these. It was hard to decide which patterns to choose because there were so many. When we were happy with our chosen patterns and we had practised drawing these patterns, Ms Tumahai gave us a square sheet of white paper. We carefully drew patterns on 4 petals. Ms Tumahai and Mrs Sio went over our pencil lines with a black vivid. We waited about a week for almost all of our space to finish before dyeing our Siapo creations. This is how they all turned.

They look amazing in our space. Feel free to come and check it out.

Room 10 PENN Term 1 2024

This is our first Blog post for the Year. Keep visiting our page to find out what Room 10 has been up to in 2024.

Kiaora, We are incredibly thankful for the support we received for our Team 4 camp. So we made a movie. Your encouragement, resources, and enthusiasm from our community made a significant impact.  From volunteering time and expertise, your support helped us create an enriching and memorable experience for our students.  We are grateful for your unwavering support, which made camp possible. Thank you for being an essential part of our journey.

PENN Term 4

Create miniature furniture using marshmallows and pasta, you say? mm

A bag of fluffy marshmallows and sticks of pasta was all we had to create. With our creativity and a sprinkle of imagination, we transformed the humble marshmallow into miniature furnishings. 

First, we carefully broke, pulled and ripped the marshmallow into various shapes, crafting the basic structures for our tiny furniture pieces. 

Next, we broke, snapped and fixed the pasta to the marshmallows this was hard because the pasta kept snapping into pieces.

This was a difficult challenge we all experimented with different marshmallow shapes, creating marshmallow chairs with tables. It was a lot of fun.

After a while, we cleaned up and discussed what we created. Our teacher took some photos and some students shared what they made for our PENN movie


Matariki Celebrations

Matariki in Team 4 was so much fun. Learning Creating and Sharing all the things we did throughout the day. I enjoyed making mini lava lamps with the students I had. To make a mini lava lamp I bought little plastic tubes from the Look Sharp store. We poured canola oil into the tubes then we carefully dropped food colouring into the tubes using a syringe. We added 7 stars and put the lid on tight. When you shake the tube gently you see the droplets of food colouring and the stars moving around inside the tube, it is mesmerizing.

PENN Term 2 2023

This term in writing, we have been learning to write clear step-by-step instructions for students to follow. We started with writing instructions on brushing teeth, washing hands, walking PES way and crossing the street. We then went on to write instructions on how to make paper planes that fly, paper rosettes. Then we got to the cool Stuff and also part of our whole school inquiry into Changes Matter. We learned about solid liquids and gases. We knew how to change solids into liquids, and liquids into solids using food. We blew up balloons, turned cream into ice cream we tried our best to write step-by-step instructions for all the things we made. We had so much fun.

Year 5 & 6 Camp Term 1 2023

Year 5 & 6 camp was extremely busy, Kayaking, swimming, slipping and sliding and so much more. Our students were blessed to have had this opportunity to experience so much in just a few days. I watched students learning to kayak for the first time. Our camp concert was very entertaining with all the camp team performing chants and dances. Thanks go to so many people who helped us without these beautiful people we would not have been able to do this for our students.